

Friday, May 11, 2012

Procrastination... the Dream Killer

Procrastination is death to dreams. Dreams come and they present themselves to us in many ways. Take the dream of graduating from high school or college. You attend school, you get involved in activities at school. Then comes the hard part... the homework and the projects. You have a responsibility to your teachers, to your fellow students, to your parents, but more importantly... to yourself. However, you bumble along, do your homework at the last minute, procrastinate...procrastinate. All of the sudden, you aren't going to graduate unless you kick it into HIGH gear. Unfortunately you cannot work at that speed because you have not worked really at any particular speed at all. You are educationally flabby. So... due to YOUR procrastination you do not get to graduate with your class. You do not get to have that moment when everything stands still and the reality of your accomplishment sinks in. When you look at your parents in the audience and see the tears of joy running down and over your father's beard and your mother is just a puddle on the chair. Your younger sisters and brothers are looking at you with such awe and dream of the time when they will walk across the stage in a unflattering gown wearing a hat that needs an entire package of bobby pins to stay on. Dreams...need action.

What is the point of this? Well... procrastination follows you through life. It follows you into your marriage and then into your divorce. As a procrastinator you put off the good things in life too. Like telling people that you love them and treating them as though they are the most important part of your life. You put off  telling your kids how wonderful they are and then watch them leave the house, calling you only when they need something from you.

Procrastination can follow you into business too. You will put off answering that e-mail or making that important follow up phone call. You will put off putting an important report together until the last minute and then deliver to a client a mess of mistakes. There are a lot of excuses for procrastination. Some of them even make sense. But at the end of the day, it is still procrastination.

If you begin this destructive cycle it is like crawling across glass to change your patterns. Can it be done? Can you change from a person who procrastinates to a person who dreams good dreams and then achieves them? Absolutely! What does it take to do this? Dreams...need...action!

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