

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Today is Saturday. What do I feel like doing? Not what I am actually doing....

How many times do we do this thing? We make plans, we look forward to the plans. Those plans can be cleaning the basement or working in the yard or going to an event. Yet when it comes to the time to do what we planned, the plans change. We have 2 choices....

Choice #1: Fight against the change. Make it someone elses fault that there is a change and everyone around you angry that your plans changed because you are making their lives so miserable.

Choice #2: Go with it! Embrace the change. Find ways to enjoy the change, find positive feelings towards the change. You do not have to LOVE the change but you can certainly love the change in your attitude towards change.

So, my life is changing yet again. Things are not going how I wish them to go, but I could hate the change or I could embrace it.

I chose the latter....

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