

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Have you ever spent time with someone or worked on something that you feel is amazing and then WHAM! You get hit with expectations. Expectations of the person, expectations of the project, expectations of yourself. then life steps into the picture. Time stealer's come in and take from you the time needed to meet the expectations. Your mind becomes numb and your body begins to shut down from the weight of all the expectations. What do you do? How do you get out of the crazy cycle, the one where you try and fail, then try and fail, then try again. When do you ever get to meet the expectations and stop the perpetuation of failing those you love the most, or being failed by those who you love the most? Well, again... the work is on you.

I think the most important part of this life that we live is to ask ourselves if we are meeting the expectations the we set for ourselves. Are we managing our time efficiently, are we addressing issues as they come up? Or are we ignoring the work of forward momentum. I think again, that there are decisions to be made that can affect you positively or negatively and the best part of all of this is that we have the freedom to make the choice. Once you set a standard for yourself and determine that your goals are attainable you can set your boundaries. Yes.... I said the "b" word. Boundaries. What are they for you? Well, what are your expectations for your life? Start there.

There will always be people in your life without their own standards, goals, dreams or expectations. There will always be those that do have standards, goals, dreams and expectations that simply have boundaries that do not fit within your own personal or business guidelines... boundaries. So what do you do? Look at the big picture, and then determine what needs to be done, said or conveyed to keep yourself moving foreword. This does not, however, give to you a licence to ignore other people's boundaries and tromp all over someone else to complete your own agenda. You still need to care about other people, but, if you cannot meet the expectations that you set for yourself and if you cannot keep yourself focused on your place in life, you will never be able to meet the expectations of others. Also, if you have big unrealistic expectations of something or someone, you will live a life of disappointment. This is when optimists become pessimist. Not a pretty picture.

So, what to do? What to do? Reach in, dig deep, take a hold, research what is possible, set your standards, know who you are and what you can achieve. Let other people off the hook, and then let yourself off the hook.

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