

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happiness is a Journey...Not the Destination

Happiness is the journey, not the destination. There is never a "happinesstown" in life. Many people desire to go to this magical place where everyone is nice and nobody at work rains on your parade. Where you always have more than enough money to pay your very meager list of bills. Where the love of your life wakes you to a song that inspires rodents and birds to create your dress for the day. This is a fictional place that (and if you are waiting to arrive there) you will miss out on the true happiness of life.

I have had a lot of people use happiness as an excuse for their inability to follow through with commitments, to severe relationships, to steal and pilfer from people they say they love. I have seen the search for happiness destroy marriages, severe ties between siblings and other family. I have seen this evasive pursuit hurt so many people that I need to set the record straight! Just as there are not unicorns in my field or pots of gold at the end of a rainbow, there is not a place called "happinesstown".

Now that I have completely destroyed any and all perceptions of this "happiness" place, Happiness IS a JOURNEY. You can have happiness right now! Isn't that amazing? You can wake up today, see your coffee running all over the counter and on to the floor. You can fight with your child and open bill after bill you cannot possibly afford to pay. You can be embroiled in an ugly custody battle that looks bleak and sad. You can have pain from life and pain in your body. You can have all of these things and have happiness. Because happinesstown lies in YOU!

You get to determine the day you want to have. You can decide to find joy and peace, the products of happiness, even in your appliances breaking, your children attacking you, bill collectors hot on your trail. You can stand strong, look at what you DO have and see the good in that. Look out your living room window? What do you see? Be grateful that you have a living room window to look out of. So what if your child did not clean their room or make their bed this morning, even when you have gone over what is expected day after day. Is your child involved in drugs? Are they attending school? Do they say that they love you? Is your child alive? Are YOU alive?

There is enough to worry about in life that will try to destroy your peace and your joy. There is enough in this world that can bring pain and sorrow. Don't let it be an unrealistic view of what happiness is. Take happiness right here and right now with all that you have and all that you have to give. Because happiness is a journey and not a destination.

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