

Saturday, June 30, 2012

What About Endurance?

It seems as though most of our generation is pretty good with whatever comes easiest. If you are hungry... go through the drive through. If you are thirsty.... run into 7-11. If you need a car... just finance it... or get one from your parents. When we want something we want it right now and in a hurry. The same is true for business success. What do we want? Whatever makes the money the fastest and gets the easiest results. Do we care if there is a foundation? Nope! We will just go from industry to industry until we can hit the mother lode. We fail and then we give up and try to just move on. We make our failure the fault of anyone that we can. In life and in business we do not endure and in failure we do not take responsibility. Why is this?

In World War II the generation in charge where tough. They were willing to sacrifice and they could do without just fine. The best part of Sunday dinner was the food and the fellowship. Stories were retold and sisters spent the evening laughing in the kitchen. When cake or pie was not an option because of the rationing of eggs and butter, people made crisps and cobblers. Life was hard... and that is an understatement, but life was about endurance. Businesses and business owners did what they could to survive. They helped others and sacrificed to be sure. Life evolved and things got "better". We now have more options and more opportunities. But somewhere along the line we lost the ability to endure.

How can we recover endurance? Well... simply be willing to do without. "Short term pain for long term gain". Do we ever really see that as a true statement? What are you willing to endure to find real success? Does real success mean that you have everything that you want and desire? I have said before that these blogs are for me as much as for my readers. I know that endurance means sacrifice. I know that endurance means living in your current circumstances until you get through to the other side. The operative work there is live! Live in your life right where you are. Stop trying to look past today and into tomorrow. Don't look at past successes and lament on what was either. Live in today. Live for right now. Find real success in the endurance of today.


  1. This is the story of my life. Good word Thank's honey. Your loving husband, Jason

  2. I love this; great thoughts, Shannon. Keep on with faith and endurance, and of course, plenty of patience and peace! Cheers, ~RR
