

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Grace is interesting. We all ask for grace. We all think we are giving others grace, but do we really understand what it means to have grace? The bible says that grace means not getting something you deserve, it is a kindness born out of our love for God. It means being forgiven without ever being reminded of the offence. Sometimes I wonder if I have ever truly given grace. How many times have I said the WORDS that bring the THOUGHT of grace but do I ever really follow through with forgetting the offence?

I think if we were all to be truthful we would know that only God can give true grace to us. We can try to achieve the ability to give grace, but unless we forgive and forget, we never really achieve the goal. So then what is the point of grace? Why do we even attempt grace? Well, if I were to be truthful with all of you and with myself, I think sometimes I give grace because I am afraid what will come to me if I do not. God is pretty clear in His word about the giving of grace to others. We are not to bother with the tiny flecks and flaws in our brothers and sisters until we dig the log out of our own eyes. So to keep grace away from another person is like denying that we are human with our own human frailties. It is plain out hypocritical. So... the question remains... how do we let go of our rights to give to someone what they simply do not deserve?

I am not sure. I am human and I really mess up in this area. But when I attempt this, it is done with many tries and sometimes I just fail. But I find that if I keep failing forward, somewhere along the line I get to grace and then forgiveness comes. Grace is not a right. Grace is not easy. Grace is a gift, to those that receive it, but more so to those that give it.

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