

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Can you have a dream? Really have a dream?

Dreams are crazy things. They require quite a bit to create them and even more to achieve them. They are exhausting! The hardest part of dreaming is when you think they cannot come true. What kind of dreams have you had? Recording an amazing album? Writing a top selling novel? Seeing all of your children graduate from high school and then college? How about traveling the world! Meeting the love of your life and then creating a business that helps other businesses grow and achieve dreams of their own! These are just a few of my dreams. Parts of them have been realized. Some of them are simply no longer dreams of mine... or are they? Hmmmmm.....what am I willing to do to achieve my goals?

Well.. my favorite quote is " A goal is a dream with a deadline" from Napoleon Hill. How do you make a dream a reality? I am not sure to be honest with you. Most of these blogs I write are for myself. To encourage me to look deeper and wider and grow stronger. I hope in the midst of my growing you will too... but I digress. Dreams...How do you step from dream to goal with a deadline and then be able to say you achieved your dreams? Well....hmmmmm....again what am I willing to do to achieve these goals?

Take my first goal...recording an album. I have recorded music...and I have recorded 5 songs on a CD with a group I was in. Did I achieve my goal? Does all dreams have to be huge? Most of the people who have heard the album I recorded with my group "Beyond the Walls" loved it. It was not for resale and used strictly as a promotional item to be able to sing new places. This led me to another band "DeProgrammed", a gospel funk band ( I was the only...light girl... they called me the "angel"... another story for another day...). We recorded an original song that was AMAZING! I loved it. I loved recording it. Did I achieve my dream?

Then what about the novel? I have one completely written. However... it is sitting in my computer and on my external hard drive waiting for a friend to edit it. It has been waiting for this friend for one full year. Is it my friend's fault it is not on it's way to a publisher? OR is it my fault for not encouraging my friend or maybe writing a letter of inquiry anyways... even though it is not edited? Do I have a timeline for this dream? Have I made it a goal yet?

I have watched two of my children graduate from high school and I have 5 more to go. One child will be attending college this fall. I am married to the most AMAZING man ever. Jason is my prince and he is the love of my life. We are building a business and THIS dream does have a deadline. It has a business plan and a marketing plan and a plan plan. This dream is now a goal and we most certainly have a deadline. Is this dream any more or less of a dream than the other ones? The best part of dreaming is being the keeper of the keys to the dream. YOU are the keeper of your KEYS to your dreams.

The answer is all my dreams have become goals but all my goals do not have deadlines, so I may or may not achieve these dreams. However, I can ALWAYS dream. I can STRIVE to achieve and then WORK like crazy to see these dreams come true. YOU can too. You CAN dream. You can see your DREAMS become goals and then see your dreams come TRUE.  What do you do though? Make a deadline for these dreams. Dust off your manuscript, create a dream board and put it over your desk. Cut out sayings and save your fortune cookie fortunes. Cut out magazine articles and follow successful people in your field. Be a doer and not just a dreamer. Your DREAMS will come TRUE once YOU decide to PURSUE (them).

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