

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Relationship and Value "why"?

Good question right?  Relationship in part is why you live.  You were created to have relationships.  Its true from infancy through teenagedom and even into beginning an adult but, will get to that later.  I want to connect relationship and values to a business model that I personally am pursuing to develop and grow my business. 

When a baby is born it comes into this world kicking and crying, I know this because I have 7 daughters ages 20 - 11.  Their first relationship begins when they are placed in mothers arms and on through the next 3-5yrs the relationship is formed and strengthened.  When your a teenager and you like a certain someone you will do almost anything to get their attention.  All to say you are a thing, a couple, going out, boy friend/girl friend.  We now have a relationship.  Every connection you make with another human being be it good or bad, it still builds a relationship.  Everyone and I mean everyone looks for approval or disapproval, positive or negative energy coming from anyone or anything in any situation. 

To keep this short I'm going to switch gears and move into Values and their connection to the relationships around you.

Thank you,


1 comment:

  1. Everyone wears an invisible sign that says: "Make me feel Important". If we imagine that sign, and acknowledge that we wear one two, that would be a great step toward strengthening relationships.

    And, of course, the more you focus away from yourself, and on to other people, the better your OWN life and relationships will be!

    Thank you for sharing, Faulkners!

